A Positive Mindset

The game of tennis is ultimately a mind game.


  • Attitude is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.
  • The more positive mind set you have, the more positive the results.
  • There are many games you and your opponent can play during a match to disrupt your game.
  • Most players simply need to quiet the mind to regain or maintain composure and confidence.
  • Allowing your mind to wander in past thoughts is fruitless.
  • Don’t let the game with yourself be tougher than the game with your opponent.
  • Expectations and perceptions (thinking about the winning or losing) of a match is not reality, they are merely feelings.
  • Don’t worry about the outcome of a match, that’s inevitable.
  • The trick is experience each moment with a clear mind and the game will take care of itself.
  • Present thoughts are performance goals such as, slicing your 1st serve, hitting your approach shot with under spin, etc.
  • Concentration is focusing your energy, attention, and intentions on a singular point or plan.
  • A busy mind can destroy a well thought out game plan.

A Positive Example………You slice your approach shot short, instead of deep. Their passing shot floats up and you miss the easy volley at the net. A lot of player’s get mad and relive it for the next few points. You miss, look down at your strings and smile, because you just figured out the short slice approach is how you’re going to win points. Having a positive mindset helps maintain a relaxed confident thought process, and a winning game. Have fun and keep smiling.