Competing Well with Distractions

What bothers you in a match? The sun, your opponent’s outfit or their style of play? There are a plethora of reasons/excuses you can concoct to distract you from your goal.    To compete well you:

1st have to accept that bad things and distractions are going to happen.

2nd there are fights you need not fight (bad bounces, bad draw, the wind).

What battles do you CHOOSE to take on today? What battles do you CHOOSE to ignore today? “YOU NEED NOT FIGHT BATTLES YOU CANNOT WIN.”

Accept the fact that bad things are going to happen, and get on with the task at hand. Now simplify your game plan mentally and physically.  “Don’t let the game with yourself be harder than the game with your opponent.”

MENTALLY think, I can only hit the RIGHT shot or the WRONG shot. Not a bad shot or a good shot.  In my mind a bad shot is a negative connotation, and the wrong shot is an objective conclusion. Big difference.  Hit every ball with the right height, topspin and decide, if you miss it, was it the right shot or the wrong shot.

PHYSICALLY what can you do to maintain your focus and stay in your Comfort Zone. Constant happy feet, bending your knees, and a balanced finish are just a few of the thoughts that will keep a positive mind. Sometimes just staying active will do the trick, and find and maintain  your Comfort Zone.